I am a ritualistic bath person. It is the time I devote for myself as a pat on the shoulder for the "hard work" of the long day. Whether it be fruity foam bath bombs from lush, or cheaper drugstore brands that I can wastefully pour into my tub, I love bath products. Vivian has been praising her l'occitane bath salt from her last trip to Seattle Premium Outlet thus far. And when I came across the pretty coloured coarse sea crystals from Watershed Naturals at Craft Circle Christmas Market, I knew this would be a well spent $18. For my posting about Craft Circle Christmas Market - please click the link Circle Craft Christmas Market 2014 to be redirected! :-)
Bath salts are developed to resemble the benefits of hot springs. Their specific benefits are the following: act as detergent, soften calloused skin, & aid in exfoliation. According to the Wikipedia page, research found positive correlation between bath salts & treatment to arthritis as well!
My first bath salt experience was unbelievable! I love exfoliating - to the extent I can't live without the Korean body scrubbing. I love the feeling when all the dead skin and debris get peeled off in layers and I am left to enjoy the feeling of soft baby skin. It probably isn't the most suitable metaphor but it's almost like washing dishes - and when you get the squeaky sound from rubbing with your bare fingers. It actually feels quite liberating too! The combination of bath salt & body scrubs maximized their benefits on both ends. Now I know after each bathing session, I will be brushing my own leg against the other - possibly in my lavishly soft Egyptian cotton bed sheet. (Skip this blurb if you wish... I always have very dry legs. On top of it, whether I shave my legs or not, I have always been unhappy with my ingrown leg hair (your hair does not get through the skin and makes the skin bumpy). Miraculously after doing my usual body scrubs this time, all of my bumpy spots due to the ingrown hair are gone! The added scent from the bath salt was rather subtle and not at all headache inducing either. I love love love this.

Please find Watershed Naturals' website information at watershednaturals.ca to learn about their philosophy and ingredients! Happy bathing!xx
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